
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button Teaser Trailer 2008 Official HQ

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The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (Trailer)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Movie Trailer #2

  ——你永远也不清楚,接下来会发生什么(You never know what's coming for you)。


Jane Fonda - On Golden Pond story.

On Golden Pond - part 4

影视介绍 Introduction 埃赛尔老太太和他的丈夫诺曼离开了喧闹的城市生活来到了以前生活的旧居,一座位于池塘边的木屋,重新开始了他们的生活。年近七旬的埃赛尔对生活充满了热 情,而七十九岁的诺曼却恰恰相反,意志消沉,脾气古怪。金色池塘边美丽的风景和妻子无微不至的照顾都没有让老诺曼摆脱对年华老去的恐慌。心脏的毛病让诺曼 对死亡充满了恐惧。与父亲隔阂很深的女儿切茜为庆祝父亲生日,带着即将与之完婚的丈夫和他的儿子也来到金色池塘。经过多年,父女之间依旧没有和解的迹象, 而诺曼言语间的刻薄尖酸也造成了他与客人以及女儿之间的难于交流和隔阂。女儿与其丈夫因为要到欧洲旅行而委托老夫妻俩照顾十三岁的小比利。爷孙俩从开始的 互不信任到互相理解,由于一次意外的落水让诺曼重新开始审视自己的人生,女儿切茜再次来到了金色池塘,执拗的诺曼将会已怎样的面孔对待她呢?

Keanu A Walk In The Clouds - Tiziano Ferro - Imbranato

Keanu Reeves *A Walk In The Clouds in 5 minutes *

影视介绍 Introduction Paul: Betty?

Mans voice: I prefer to dine at home alone.

Betty: Paul? Paul!

Paul: When I didnt see you on the dock I thought--

Betty: I didnt know you were coming today.

Paul: Didnt you get my letters?

Betty: Oh, oh Paul, I started to read them, I did, but after the first few, I just couldnt bear to hear about all that fighting and the killing.

Paul: I wrote you almost every day.

Betty: I know. And I kept them. Look. See? Oh, Paul, even the thought of you in all that danger, it was just too much. I knew if I got them, you were still alive. Thats all that I cared about-that, that you were alive...safe. Thats all that was important to me. Can you forgive me?

Paul: Yeah, sure.

Betty: I wrote to you. You got those, right?

Paul: Got a few.

Betty: I told you I wasnt a big writer.

Mans voice: I quite agree the distinction is dubious. Dont you?

Betty: Its a course Im taking. Self-improvement. His names Armistead. He makes tons of money. The whole countrys making moneyhand over fist. Youve been away,out of touch. You dont know, but you will. I went to see Mr. Sweeney and make sure heheld your job, like he promised. He said you could start the day you got back. "Rarely cared, just make sure you wear your uniform," he said. Who could resist a war hero? Of course I negotiated a raise.

Paul: Betty, I... I dont want to go back to selling chocolate.

Betty: Youve got something better.

Paul: No...I dont. But, you know...in the war, I had time to think about whats important, about what I want out of life for me, for us. I wrote you all this in the letters.

Betty: Are we back to those old letters again? You want me to read the letters?

Paul: No. Its just youd understand what Im feeling, what I want.


1. Hand over fist

He owns a chain of restaurants and makes money hand over fist.

Hes making money hand over fist.

2. Out of touch

本意是指"中断联系",这里引申为"不知道现在的情况"。我们来看个例子:John and Mark have been out of touch for years.

That speech showed hes out of touch with his constituency.

此外,out of touch 还表示"不表同情,和…不一致",例如:Older people sometimes seem out of touch with the modern world.

3. Hold ones job

Hold 这个词在此处的意思是"保留,保有"的意思,就是Mr. Sweeney 为Paul 保留他的工作。此外,hold 还表示"担任职务或拥有权力",例如:He held the governorship for six years.

那如果说"有(工作)"要怎么表达呢?除了常用的have 之外,还可以说 hold down,例如:Paul holds down two jobs.
影视介绍 Introduction

Paul: I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Paul Sutton.

Victoria: Victoria Aragon. I'm sorry about the bus.

Paul: Um...

Victoria: I feel terrible. All the problems I've caused you. You should just keep going. Who knows what will happen to you next?

Paul: There's always the possibility of a forest fire, I suppose. Why aren't you on the bus?

Victoria: My stop.

Paul: You're waiting for a ride.

Victoria: No. No. A miracle. He's going to kill me.

Paul: Who?

Victoria: My father.

Paul: Listen, if you're still worried about that picture--

Victoria: It's not about the picture. Oh, God.

Paul: Look, it's none of my business, but if you'd like to talk about it...

Paul: "I was not meant for the conventions of this world, not meant to betied down. I'm a free spirit." Who's a free spirit?

Victoria: My professor. He and I were...We--We were...

Paul: I don't know your father, but I don't think just because some free spiritbroke upwith you--

Victoria: I'm pregnant.

Paul: Oh. Oh. You're very upset. I can understand that. Definitely understand that. But, Victoria, look at the positive side. It's a new life coming into the world. That's a miracle in itself, right?

Victoria: "I will kill anyone who dishonors my family." How many times has he said that? A hundred times, a million times?

Paul: I'm sure it's just afigure of speech.

Victoria: It's not. My father means what he says. Always. He's--He's very old-fashioned. If I come home this way without a husband, he'll kill me. I know he will.

Paul: How about if you do show up with a husband?

Victoria: Who does what, comes for the day and then just leaves?

Paul: Yes, sure. Comes to meet the family, stays one night, leaves in the morning, puts a letter in the mailbox saying he's...

Victoria: Abandoned me.

Paul: It happens.

Victoria: You're very kind for trying to help me. Maybe it might work...but...there's nobody.

Paul: Miss Aragon.Victoria. There's me.


1. Tie down

意为"Constrain, confine, or limit 束缚,受限",例如:As long as the children were small, she was too tied down to look for a job.

2. Break up

Break up 可以表示"结束一段关系",例如:
Their marriage broke up last year.
当表示"与……分手"时,用 with 引出分手对象:
Finally, David decided to break up with Lily.

3. Figure of speech

本意是"修辞",这里表示"打比方,说说(而已)",例如:I didn't really mean she was in outer space it's just a figure of speech.


1940 年代的美国道德观

对于大多数中国人来说,我们眼中的美国是当代好莱坞大片中的美国:个人至上、私欲至上,崇拜英雄偶象, 享乐主义,自由主义, 大众化和通俗化,商品化(市场化)和娱乐化,充斥着吸毒、暴力、色情……然而真实的美国并没有影片中展示的那么糟糕。传统道德在美国一直有市场。在1940年代,传统道德甚至是十分苛刻的。下面是一位美国观众所写的观后感,其中详细讨论了当时的美国社会道德,可以帮助我们更好地理解电影。

Does anyone recall a time when values, integrity, uprightness and true human compassion were a way of life? A Walk in the Clouds does. The story is sweet, romantic, dramatic, and heartwarming. The 1940's was an era when it was terrible shame to be unwed and pregnant. Daughters were often cast away or sent to some distant relative to bear their child in loneliness and disapproval, then the child was given for adoption. I know because I was one of those children. For my mother there was no Paul Sutton to love her and rescue her and her child. The father, portrayed by Giancarlo Gianni was a typical man of those desperate war torn years who was unable to get in touch with his feelings on any level except work and anger. I am more amazed at his ability to show affection for his wife than I am at the anger which rules his life. The family who eventually adopted me was just like this family. Hard horrible father, heavy drinker, full of anger, yet rapier wit and tongue. The rest of the family are so real because in those days most families who had a disagreeable father figure pulled together to make up for and cover over the hurts and embarrassment generated by that father. Very different from today's dysfunctional families. Anthony Quinn was superb and Keanu Reeves could not have been more believable as a simple man with a good heart and high values. His character is not meant to display anything but goodness, which he does beautifully. We have to rememberthat men used to be governed more by what was right than by the emotion of the moment as they are today. Aitana as Victoria is very lovely and desirable, but her character is also governed by the morals of the day. While she is sexy and flirtatious and clearly loves Paul, she stops short of using his attraction to her to seduce him because the very things she values and loves about him are his stability and uprightness. Today most women would simply go for it, but this film is not about today. It is about real love and true respect. The musical score is simply beautiful and very moving. The wine country and the shot of the California coast along Big Sur are great. Oh, by the by, for the unbelieving, after the grape harvest in the fall the branches of the vine die and become dry and brittle very quickly. The only part of a grape vine that continues to live is the stock and it's root, but even that seems all gray and dead from just looking at the outside. A fire in a dry, post-harvest vineyard would spread and destroy all, just as it did in the film. Today, there are sprinkler systems, etc. to prevent such loss, but not in the 1940's. What a great movie. I own it and will always enjoy watching it again and again.


我想,任何一个处在困境中的女孩听到"There's me."这句话的时候,一定都会感动得一塌糊涂。怀孕后被男友抛弃,受着传统道德和家庭荣誉的谴责,再加上对严厉专制的父亲的恐惧,这时的 Victoria 真的是上天无路,入地无门。她能做的就是祈祷奇迹的出现,而奇迹也果真出现了,上帝送来了 Paul Sutton 这样一个善良、真诚的男人。当然,这是电影。生活中发生在 Victoria 身上的故事,在世界上不同地区、不同信仰的女孩身上不停上演着,可是世界上并没有那么多的 Paul Sutton,这些女孩子的命运就在世俗的洪流中消逝了。

影视介绍 Introduction 影片对白

Paul: When I was a kid...every night Id climb up to the roof of the orphanage, and Id make a wish on every star I could see.

Victoria: Thats a lot of wishing.

Paul: It usuallyboiled downto one wish, really.

Victoria: What was that?

Paul: What you have in there.

Victoria: Everyone always telling you how you should live your life.

Paul: Better than having no one telling you.

Pedro: You know, in 1580 the first Aragon, also a Pedro, came from Spain to Mexico with a dream in his head, the clothes on his back, and the root from the familys vineyard inside his pocket. Excuse me. May I...see one more? Which one? Ah, thats no good. Try one more. Ahh...thats wonderful. Come...I will show you something. This is the root I brought with me, a descendant from the root the first Pedro brought with him. All our vines come from this one. Its not just the root of Las Nubes. Its the root of our lives, of Victorias life. Now that youre a part of all this, a part of us, it is the root of your life. You are an orphan no longer. So, you will stay with your family while we harvest the fruit? Ah. Its a special time. Its a time of magic.

Paul: I really cant. I have commitments.

Pedro: What about the commitments to your family? W-What can be more important than that?

Paul: I would like to, really. But I cant.

Pedro: He said you would not stay.

Paul: Who did?

Pedro: Alberto. He said, "The first chance the gringo gets, he will leave her." His exact words.

Paul: Im not leaving her. Im--

Pedro: No, no, no, no. I understand. Just my poor granddaughter. He will whip her with it. Shell be the one to pay for your commitments. Such a pity. Such a sweet girl.

Paul: But it would just be the difference of a day.

Pedro: The most important day of our year, the day that makes or breaks our fortunes--thats what he willthrow up toher for the rest of her life. I know my son.

Paul: Don Pedro.

Pedro: Eh?

Paul: Youre right. Its only one day. Ill stay.

Pedro: Right. May I? Its a good thing. You have no more chocolates to sell, anyway. Come on.

Victoria: I thought you were leaving.

Paul: I thought it would be better for you if Istuck aroundat least until the harvest.

Alberto: Dont you have chocolates to sell?

Paul: Family comes first.


1. Boil down

在这里的意思是"Simplify, summarize, or shorten; lead to the conclusion that缩短,减少,归纳为,简单地归结为",例如:
It all boils down to a clear case of murder.
John finally managed to boil his thesis down to 200 pages.

2. Throw up to

这里的意思是"criticize, upbraid 责备,指责",例如: Dad was always throwing it up to the boys that they were careless and messy.

3. Stick around

俚语,意思是"逗留,停留",例如:If you had stuck around, youd have seen the fireworks.


Las Nubes --- Napa Valley北加州的纳帕山谷

Las Nubes 是西班牙语,意思是 the clouds。影片中的 Las Nubes 就如同一个梦幻中的葡萄园,当

得起 the clouds 的美名。据说为了寻找一个带有梦幻般色彩的葡萄园,导演曾经亲赴欧洲、澳洲和南美各地挑选,最后才终于选定了美国加州的纳帕山谷。它的美丽也确实在影片中展现无疑。在纳帕山谷中,无论清晨还是傍晚,山坡上都会出现阵阵薄雾,使人有如临梦幻之感。而片中导演那梦幻与现实相结合的拍摄方法,更是使影片充满了拉美梦幻现实主义的浪漫风情和韵味。

Napa Valley is widely considered one of the top wine regions in California, and all of the United States with a history dating back

to the nineteenth century. The Mediterranean climate and geography of the valley along with the surrounding hills and mountains are conducive to growing wine grapes. Several microclimates exist within the area due to various weather and geographical influences. The open southern end of the valley floor is cooler during the growing season due to the proximity of San Pablo Bay while the sheltered, closed northern end is often much warmer. The valley floor is flanked by the Mayacamas Mountain Range on the western and northern sides while the Vaca Mountain Range is on the eastern side. Several smaller valleys also exist within these two ranges. The floor of the main valley gradually rises from sea level at the southern end to 362 feet above sea level at the northern end in Calistoga at the foot of Mount St. Helena. The eastern side of the valley tends to be more arid due to the fact that winter storms tend to drop much more precipitation on the western mountains and hills. The soil in the southern end of the valley consists mainly of sediments deposited by earlier advances and retreats of San Pablo Bay while the soil at the northern end of the valley contains a large volume of volcanic lava and ash. Several of the small hills that emerge from the middle of the valley floor near Yountville are indicators of the regions volcanic past.



